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Oferta tłumaczenia

Wykonam tłumaczenie z języka angielskiego na język polski

Tłumaczenia pisemne:
30,00 zł / 1800 zzs.
15,00 zł / 1800 zzs.

I am a native Polish speaker whose experience in the translation field spans over 15 years. I have carried out translation tasks usually as a freelancer, doing side jobs or extra projects in my daily work. I started translating during my studies as I was asked to convert my fellow students' theses to English. Later on, I also translated technical, legal and medical documents, private correspondence and works of fiction. Recently I have been enhancing my skills in Russian language in order to have the chance to expand my work scope.

administracjabiznes, handelfilozofiagastronomiainformatyka, ITinneliteratura
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